Education and Experience
English time
- Our mission, throughout the whole school, is to increase the childrens exposure and awareness to language.
- Within the English department we have truly embraced this mission; we strive to continue to create an enjoyable English atmosphere both in the classroom and during our English assemblies.
- This year we have added two fun and exciting storybooks form the'Children's Laureate' 2011-13, Julia Donaldson. Julia Donaldson has written many wonderful titles including 'The Gruffalo' and 'Room on the Broom'. The 'Children's Laureate' is the highest award in childrens literature and we are thrilled to have added these storybooks to the syllabus for the K2 and K3 children. The children have truly loved listening, reading and acting out these storybooks in their classroom. It is not only in the classroom that we are continuing to increase the childrens awareness to the English language. During our 'English Time Assemblies', along with the usual songs and games we play, this year we have also introduced storytelling. The children have read two famous storybook 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?' and ‘Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear?'. Both of these storybooks are from another award winning childrens author, Eric Carle. These storybooks were chosen for their simple, repetitive and fun sentence structure that all the children from K1-K3 followed and enjoyed.
- These storybooks were first introduced to the children in the comfort of their classrooms through an animated presentation and narration. This enabled the children to clearly see and listen to the storybooks first, before a pause was given, allowing them to read aloud with guidance from their teachers. Over the following weeks the storybooks were then acted and read out aloud in the playground by the children. The children thoroughly enjoyed this new activity and it increased the children awareness to enjoyable, fun literature. These storybooks beautifully compliment the wonderful storybooks already being read to the children as part of their English classroom syllabus.
- Our aim, from this year forth, is to increase the childrens awareness to language in everyday life. We are confident the enjoyment and enthusiasm shown by the children during our English lessons and assemblies will continue out of the classroom and into their homes and libraries.